Substance Use Assessment & DOT Certified Psychologists Located in Edmonton. Serving Alberta's Workplaces With Proactive Education, Training, Substance Use Assessments, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). 

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Workplace & Awareness Blog

Welcome to the Sorobey Assessments blog.

Workplace & Awareness is here to give you bite-sized lessons & reflections from a registered psychologist about workplace substance abuse and how to make healthy choices core to your employee culture. Click below to read our latest blogs.

When an on-site substance abuse problem is discovered

When an on-site substance abuse problem is discovered, most Alberta companies have plenty of policies and processes to "deal with" the employee in question.

Substance abusers often become experts in time management.

In many safety-first industries where weeks on and weeks off are a part of the schedule, employees with substance abuse problems KNOW when they can start using...

When does substance use = substance abuse?

The fact is, it can be hard to know. Because the transition from “use” to “abuse” is different for everyone and can happen over long periods (sometimes years).

"When you give yourself permission to communicate what matters to you in every situtation you wil have peace despite rejection or disapproval..."

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.


Responding to Employee Substance Abuse Is Both a Challenge & a Liability.
We can help.
With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

You can begin again. but not just in 2023.

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

"Anything that's Human Is Mentionable, And Anything That Is Mentionable can be more manageable. When We Can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary"

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

"You're Imperfect, And you're Wired For Struggle, But You Are Worthy Of Love and Belonging"

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

Not Every Story has A Happy Ending...

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

The Opposite Of Addiction Is Not Sobriety. The Opposite Of Addiction is Connection

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

Ten Signs Of Substance Use Disorder

It can be worrying to see a co-worker struggling with substance abuse. This is especially true in a safety-as-a-priority industry, where clear thinking and quick action are vital.

So, how do you know when you or someone you work with has a substance use disorder?

Here are ten signs of what to look for:

1. No awareness about how much you drink or use (you’ve had how many?)

2. Reliant on the substance to relax or even function

3. Needing increasing amount to get the same effect

4. Prone to bingeing on weekends or holidays

5. Gradually increasing the amount used over time (what used to be two beers after work has become 5 or 6)

6. Being preoccupied with using the substance (often talks or thinks about using)

7. Spending more and more money on the substance despite the financial consequences

8. Finding it difficult to be in social situations without the substance

9. Lying about use or the amount being used

10. You know you have a problem but can’t stop yourself from using

If you or someone you know is showing any of the signs above, it may be time to seek professional help. Because catching a problem early or getting help before someone gets hurt is the brave thing to do.

And if you are a decision-maker in your company, consider making substance-use education and training a priority.

Sorobey Psychology and Sorobey Assessments are here to help individuals and workplaces in Alberta get the preventative education, assessments, and support they need when facing substance abuse.

And we’re a DM or phone call away.

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

October Linkedin Post Round-Up!

Time for a round-up!

I covered a lot of territory in October, so here’s a bullet-point post review.

Of course, if anything here sparks your interest, visit my profile, check out the full post, or reach out for more individualized suggestions!

Here we go!

- When workplaces put proactive education and awareness in place, we can start building a foundation for healthy relationships with substances and improve safety and performance.

- Substance abusers often become experts in time management - knowing when substances leave their systems. That is why proactive education and support (not just testing) should be a part of your occupational health and safety plan.

- It can be hard to know when substance USE becomes substance ABUSE. But, the good news is that education and early intervention can help people before their long-term health is affected and the job-site risk becomes dangerous.

- When it comes to workplace substance abuse → High functioning doesn’t mean HEALTHY functioning. And sometimes, it is the high performers that fall through the gaps. Check on them and let them know you care about their health.

- SAD (seasonal affective disorder) is a real problem in Alberta. But by proactively preparing for the winter months, you can help reduce your symptoms and make the season more bearable. (see the original post for tips!)

- Pain at work sucks, and doctor-prescribed painkillers can be helpful tools in healing. But if painkiller use is becoming a concern, get help. Don’t suffer and self-medicate alone.

- SLEEP is essential for stress management. By creating healthy wind-down and bedtime routines, you can get to bed feeling calm, have a more restful sleep, and ultimately see your stress become more manageable!

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW? → Sorobey Psychology and Sorobey Assessments are here to help individuals and workplaces in Alberta get the preventative education, assessments, and support they need when facing substance abuse.

And we're a DM or phone call away.

Thanks for joining me on this October round-up! Happy Halloween!

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

Did You Know That Your Sleep Is Essential For Stress Management?

Did you know that sleep plays a significant role in stress management?

When we're chronically stressed, our bodies can get stuck in a perpetual "fight or flight" mode, on high alert and ready to react to any perceived threat (real or not). This can lead to problems like insomnia, as our bodies are just too revved up to relax and fall asleep.

For people struggling with chronic stress and the sleeplessness that comes with it, alcohol is a common coping mechanism. However, alcohol prevents REM sleep, the deepest and most restful stage of sleep, vital for healthy brain function, memory, and mood.

And when you add uppers like caffeine and cocaine into the mix (because you’re always tired at work), you worsen the problem by forcing the body into more and more irregular sleep patterns.

Of course, this kind of cycle isn’t sustainable.

Eventually, the body develops a tolerance to the stimulant effects of these substances. And you end up right back where you started… but worse off… more exhausted, more stressed out, and less able to regulate emotions.

The bottom line is, if you're struggling to cope with stress and sleeplessness, alcohol and other substances are not the answer.

So what can you do to calm yourself at the end of a long day, de-stress, and get restful sleep?

1. Create a settle-down routine BEFORE you arrive home. This could include a walk in nature, a drive with relaxing music, a puzzle, or anything else you find calming. The idea is to lower your stress levels after work before getting caught up in your evening routines.

2. Create a BEFORE-bed routine. Turn off your screen, read a magazine or book, listen to a podcast, sit outside by the fire pit, shower or have a bath, drink some caffeine-free tea, reflect on your accomplishments, and if you're religious, pray.

3. Put your phone out of arm's reach when it's time to sleep. While our phones can be a fantastic tool for connection and information, many of the apps we install on them are DESIGNED to keep us hooked. Make your bedtime a phone-free zone.

Sleep is NECESSARY to manage not only your stress but your overall health.

But if you've become reliant on substances to manage your stress and sleep, it's time to reach out for help.

Sorobey Psychology and Sorobey Assessments are here to help individuals and workplaces in Alberta get the preventative education, assessments, and support they need when facing substance abuse.

Our services are confidential AND we're a DM or phone call away.

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

Pain, Pills And The Workplace

Alberta’s natural resource and safety-first industries pay well, but they also often come with a greater risk of injury. From broken bones to muscle strains, back injuries, and more, PAIN is often a part of the job description.

And with pain comes painkillers.

Before we go any further, I would like to state that painkillers, when taken responsibly, legally, and under the guidance of your healthcare providers, are excellent tools!

However, the risk of substance abuse and addiction is very real, especially with more potent medication. AND just because it is prescribed doesn’t mean it’s safe for long-term use.

So what can you do if you end up injured and prescribed pain medication?

- Follow your prescribed dosage. Even though it can be tempting to take more, please don’t do it without the guidance of your doctor.
- Be honest with yourself. Adopt an attitude of self-awareness and ask yourself, do I need this medication right now, or would I be ok with something less strong? Am I using it because I’m in pain or because I like how it makes me feel?
- Seek pain management help... AKA, use your benefits! Physio, massage, and occupational therapy. There are many ways to reduce pain through a combination of treatments.

Pain sucks. And it’s a part of life. Don’t suffer and self-medicate alone. Get help when you need it.

Sorobey Psychology and Sorobey Assessments are here to help individuals and workplaces in Alberta get the preventative education, assessments, and support they need when facing substance abuse.

And we're a DM or phone call away.

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

If Your Feeling Down This Time Of Year, There Are Things You Can Do
 To Help Yourself

Every fall, as the days begin to get shorter and the weather gets colder, people can start to feel a little down. For some, this is just a case of the "winter blues." But for others, it may be the more serious: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

SAD is a type of depression that comes and goes with the seasons. It typically begins in the fall and continues into winter. In Alberta, where winters are long and dark, SAD can be a real problem.

So if you're feeling down this time of year, there are things you can do to help yourself.

Here are a few healthy, proactive suggestions:

1. Get outside every day, even if it's just for a short walk. Natural light can help improve your mood.

2. Speaking of natural light, start taking a Vitamin D supplement that contains magnesium! (The magnesium allows your body to absorb the vitamin D)

3. Exercise regularly. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.

4. Eat a healthy diet. Eating nutritious foods will help your body and mind feel better.

5. Connect with friends and family for an alcohol-free gathering. Social interaction can help reduce stress and promote positive emotions. Why avoid alcohol? It can worsen the symptoms of depression.

6. Seek professional help if needed. If you're feeling really down and it's starting to affect your judgment, don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional for help. Seriously, it's why we're here – to help you when you're struggling.

SAD can be a complex disorder to deal with, but there is hope.

By proactively preparing for the winter months, you can help reduce your symptoms and make the season more bearable.

Sorobey Psychology and Sorobey Assessments are here to help individuals and workplaces in Alberta get the preventative education, assessments, and support they need when facing substance abuse.

And we're a DM or phone call away.

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

When it comes to workplace substance abuse → High functioning doesn’t mean HEALTHY functioning.

Sometimes your company’s star employees are the ones who struggle the most.

You trust them to get the job done, and they do.

They will push the hardest, work the overtime, pull the all-nighters, and never say, “it can’t be done.” They are the first to step forward when you ask for volunteers and prioritize achieving high-end results EVERY TIME.

What would you do without them?

No, seriously. What would you do?

Because ALWAYS overachieving and pushing yourself to the limit puts unreasonable stress on the body, mind, spirit, and relationships. And it’s in these vulnerable states of stress that the risk of substance use (aka self-medicating) can turn to substance abuse.

Your high-functioning, high achievers may ignore the healthy choices that sustain them long-term for short-term results of an upper or a downer.

So what can you do?

Often it’s as simple as checking in.

Let your high-functioning, high achievers know that you see their hard work and determination. Let them know that you want them around for the long term. And then help them and your organization by implementing substance abuse education and training.

And if you are the high functioning, high achiever, set an example of sustainable success by reaching out for confidential support.

Sorobey Psychology and Sorobey Assessments are here to help individuals and workplaces in Alberta get the preventative education, assessments, and support they need when facing substance abuse.

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

When an on-site substance abuse problem is discovered

When an on-site substance abuse problem is discovered, most Alberta companies have plenty of policies and processes to "deal with" the employee in question.

But in my experience responding to work-related substance abuse issues, what we should really be talking about is "support."

Because substance abuse doesn't just appear out of nowhere.

Most of the workplace substance abuse challenges I see result from one or a combination of:
- chronic stress
- disconnection from family
- a lack of coping skills
- "Work hard, play hard" company culture
- and emotional mismanagement

But believe it or not, that is good news!

Because when workplaces put proactive education and awareness in place, we can start building a foundation for healthy relationships with substances and improve safety and performance.

Let's keep the conversation going!

How has the discovery of substance abuse affected your workplace? Do you think proactive substance abuse education can have an impact?

(If you would like to discuss workplace substance abuse assessments, education, or ongoing support, send me a message or go to

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

Substance Abusers Often Become Experts In Time Management

Substance abusers often become experts in time management.
What do I mean by this?

In many safety-first industries where weeks on and weeks off are a part of the schedule, employees with substance abuse problems KNOW when they can start using and when to finish so as not to “get caught.”

But even when a substance is undetectable by testing, the cumulative effects of drugs or alcohol can impact functioning and decision making.

That is why proactive education and support (not just testing) should be a part of your occupational health and safety.

Do you have questions on how to spot and support employees struggling with substance abuse? Get in touch with me today.

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.

When Does Substance Use = Substance Abuse?

The fact is, it can be hard to know. Because the transition from “use” to “abuse” is different for everyone and can happen over long periods (sometimes years).

I’ve seen many situations where what started as a few beers with friends to unwind at the end of the week became five, six, or seven beers a night just to fall asleep. Or a bump of cocaine to get through an all-nighter became a deadly-serious addiction that ended up in a person losing their job, home, and family.

So what are some of the signs that USE is becoming ABUSE?

- People that care begin expressing concern about the substance use
- There is an increasing reliance on the substance to achieve certain results (ex., sleep, task completion, inspiration)
- Needing (not simply wanting) the substance to relieve stress
- Increased tolerance/using more to get the same effect
- Bingeing on the substance (going on a bender)
- Obsessing over the next drink, hit, line, bump, etc.
- Putting the safety of oneself and others at risk in order to use (operating heavy machinery while under the influence)
- Being unable or unwilling to cut down the substance use

Any one of these is a sign that you or another person/co-worker may be developing or already struggling with substance abuse.

The good news is that education and early intervention can help people before their long-term health is affected and the risk to others is dangerous.

Reach out to me if you have questions or concerns.

With Sorobey Psychology Centre, you can access proven and professional assessments, proactive psychoeducational training, treatment and support.